Project Information

Scaling Up Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures (EbA) in rural Latin America

The Scaling Up Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures (EbA) in rural Latin America seeks to increase climate change resilience capacity in vulnerable communities and ecosystems in rural areas of Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Learn the details at: pdf EbALAC factsheet (376 KB)

Proven approaches

To this end, proven, innovative and cost-effective EbA approaches will be developed, up-scaled and applied at the landscape level, linking them with governance platforms  and mechanisms, including municipal governments, producers; basin and biological corridors committees.

Program support

The program will be implemented for a period of 5 years and is financed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) of the Federal Republic of Germany, through its International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Work components

Project approach

In order to generate meaningful and sustainable results at landscape, sub-national and national levels in each country, as well as to generate relevant experiences and knowledge, the program focuses on four dimensions.


Strengthening governance at the local, sub-national, national and regional level for up-scaling EbA measures.

Implementation and Scaling

Implementation and up-scaling of innovative, effective and sustainable EbA measures in vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

Capacity building

Strengthening the individual, organisational and institutional capacities of key actors for the implementation and scaling up of EbA through knowledge management at national and regional level.

Climate finance

Increase the flow of financial resources for EbA measures and facilitate access to funding for EbA implementation.

Who we are

The program Scaling-up Ecosystem based Adaptation Measures in rural Latin America – EbA LAC is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) through its International Climate Initiative (IKI) and is implemented by the German Development Cooperation – GIZ – as lead agency, in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in three countries: Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

The program seeks to strengthen the capacity of multiple agents, so it works in a coordinated manner with the national and local government, international cooperation, academia, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples´ organisations, the private sector, service providers, and vulnerable rural communities.

Implementation partners
Facebook: @GIZCR
Instagram: @giz_cr
Youtube: GIZ_CR
Instagram: @uicn_ormacc
Youtube: IUCN
Facebook: @CATIEOficial
Twitter: @CATIEOficial
Instagram: @catieoficial
Youtube: CATIEcanal

Political Partners

In the countries, we work with implementation partners through the governing bodies. In Ecuador, the political partner is the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE), which will cooperate with the program through the National Adaptation Department at the political and technical level. In Guatemala, the political partner is the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). Contact between the program and MARN will be made mainly through the International Cooperation Coordination and the Climate Change Directorate. In Costa Rica, the political partner will be the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE). The program will cooperate with MINAE through the Vice Ministry of the Environment, the Vice Ministry of Waters and Oceans, and the Climate Change Directorate

Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition
Facebook  @AmbienteEc
Twitter  @Ambiente_Ec
Youtube Canal: ambienteec

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Facebook @marngtambiente
Twitter @marngt
Instagram @marngt
Youtube Canal: RRPPMARNGT

Ministry of Environment and Energy
Facebook @minaecr
Twitter @CRMinae
Instagram @minaecr
Youtube Canal: minae

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